Save on rent costs

Calamigos Living offers a few options for you to lower your rent cost.

RA & SLA positions: We are bringing back Resident Adviser and Spiritual Life Adviser positions for 2024–25! These positions will receive free rent for the months of August and December, and then you can earn up to $1,050 off your rent for the other ten months by putting on programs and services for the Calamigos students in the other months. If you choose to live in a triple room, this means you could live rent free at Calamigos year around! To explore this option, send your resume to Dr. Dawson and include in the email why you think you would thrive in this type of role.

  1. Jobs at Calamigos: We have been 100% successful in helping refer and place interested students into part-time jobs at the resort. Jobs start at $17/hr, and some include tips that have reached over $100 a day for students who hustle. It is still up to you to interview and work hard at the job, but students have really enjoyed these roles. Typical positions have included valet, food service, hotel management, and working at the Saloon Coffee Co. (which was started by one of our Pepperdine students).  Send your resume to Dr. Dawson and share in the email where you have interest. 

  2. Refer friends: The best marketing we have at Calamigos is students telling their friends about how much they love living here. Current students can earn $200 for each friend they refer who signs a year-around lease, and $150 for each friend who signs an academic year lease. These stipends will be deducted from your rent after your friend has completed a full semester with us. New students can also use their power of influence to receive a hefty discount! If a new student gets 10 friends to also sign leases with us, they will receive a $2,000 discount. There is no discount for less than 10 other friends, and this credit will be issued toward your second semester’s rent. Some of our larger houses or house areas fit 10 students, and if you coordinate your group lease signing together, this is a great way to earn a group discount. For any student with lots of friends and influence, we also offer an academic-year, shared-room lease for free for any student who refers 25 students when all 25 students complete leases at Calamigos.

  3. Internships: If you have a unique talent that can help further our student housing and are willing to put in some equity time within your talents, we may be able to put together an internship where you work off part of your rent. These have typically been 50–100 hours in a semester, and students have worked off $1,000–$2,000 in rent. We have had students successfully complete internships through website development, social media, and video production.

    Dr. Dawson has an antique business that specializes in historic documents and advertising. He taught a class on entrepreneurship, and by having students sell items on eBay, they earned over $15,000 and reduced their rents. If you are a fan of history or want to learn how to sell things online, Dr. Dawson can teach you and will share 75% of the profits with you. For a motivated person who wants to work at this like a job, there is enough inventory to pay your whole way through college at Pepperdine!
            If you are interested in an internship, send your resume to Dr. Dawson and include in the email the details about your talents and how you could be an amazing Calamigos intern. His information can be found under the Contact tab!


Rent for one semester