Top 5 Places to Study at Calamigos

Even though Calamigos is a resort with plenty of activities to do, we are here for school, and it is, therefore, important to find good places to complete your studies. Here are the top five places to study starting with number 5!

5.  Malibu Cafe

  • The cafe is not only good for getting a quick meal or taking cute pictures. It is also a nice place to buckle down and get some work done, while also being close to quick access to a delicious meal. There is a large fake grass area in the center, chairs by the lake, and a sitting area above the bar with cushioned seats. This place definitely has a certain energy to it especially as it comes to life when all the guests are there. If being in energized places helps you study, this is the spot for you, but if you require a more calm tone, this spot may not be for you. However, there are downtimes when the cafe is not busy, or when the resort is closed. Also, the wifi signal here is not the best. Depending on your phone carrier and on your luck with the calamigos or malibu cafe wifi, this can make or break your study session. This is why the Cafe is number five. It is not for everyone and the wifi isn’t the best, but for those who are lucky and enjoy the lively atmosphere, it is great!

4. Great Lawn

  • Located right next to the very lovable cows, there is a vast green lawn surrounded by trees and cute red cabins left from a previous film set. Bring a beach towel, a blanket, or enjoy the natural feel of the grassy ground. This area comes with a nice peaceful mood as the noises from the birds and the breeze surround you, allowing clarity of mind as you work on your studies. However, this area is not wifi friendly, making this space prime for reading pre-download textbooks, essay writing not involving research, or any work that does not require internet service. Aside from schoolwork, you can use this space as an outlet for the arts in which you can take a sketchbook or a painting kit and let your imagination run wild. This place is number four because of the absence of wifi, but it is nevertheless a great place if wifi is not needed!

3. Student Center 

  • The Student Center is not just there to cook, do laundry, and have a movie night with friends and neighbors. It is also a great study spot- at the right time at least. The wifi here is as good as it gets, just as strong as in your very own room! There are plenty of couches to choose from to sit back and relax while typing away on your computer. Or, if you prefer a more formal setting, there is a long kitchen table to sit upright on. And if you are feeling peckish, then no worries, for the kitchen is right at your disposal to grab a quick snack or make a meal. Also, there are plenty of working outlets to charge your devices. Some downsides are as follows: First, It can get REALLY busy in there. Sometimes everyone just happens to be cooking in the kitchen, waiting on their laundry, or watching a show on the TV. During these times, let’s just say not much work will get down especially with the temptation to socialize with your friends and neighbors. Secondly, there are either a lot of bugs or none at all. I have encountered numerous spiders and crickets, which are not a huge bother but can be too many; just don’t be surprised to sit on the couch only to find out your seat is already taken. 

2. Your House Porch 

  • There really is no place like home and no better place to study than in the comfort of your own living space. However, staying in your room all day can be smothering, or even just plain boring. But what about those who don’t feel like going far from home to study? The cabins have a good-sized porch right out your front door, conveniently accompanied by a chair and a power outlet. All that is needed is a folding table which you can buy at the local target or home depot! I also have even seen some people just grab a towel to sit on their porch floor. What makes this the number 2 option is that you have all the conveniences of your room, but you are still able to be outside, get some fresh air, and enjoy the beautiful weather. Although, during late fall and winter, it is obviously too cold to be outside for that long and is therefore not recommended.  

1. Pool Room

  • Coming in at first is the pool room, located right behind the hotel’s front desk, next to the large hot tub and accompanying swimming pool. This is by far the best place to study at calamigos (in my opinion). The wifi connection is stable, and there is a good amount of outlets to charge your devices. There is also a wide variety of seating options from cute, tiny coffee tables with cushioned chairs, or large couches against the wall. This entire area is enclosed with walls made purely of windows, creating an open and spacious feel. Also, two more features that make this place the best, are the bathrooms located inside the room with the nicest drying towels, as well as the Flo-Water station right outside the entry doors! (Flo-Water is the best water ever). Lastly, this place is rarely ever completely empty, so that you dont feel totally isolated, but it is rarely ever busy either to where you can’t focus. To top it off, if the poolside service is open, so you can also order food there too (but they don’t expect the meal cards:/ )

    -Isabella Fusco


Victory Trail


Nature at Calamigos